Total funding from FRA-supervised entities reached EGP 646.6 billion  during the First Nine Months of 2024  –  Monday 2 December 2024

FRA’s reports revealed that total funding allocated through capital market and non-bank financial activities reached EGP 646.6 billion during the first nine months of 2024, as follows:


  • EGP 365.4 billion Stock Issuances
  • EGP 23.6 billion other issuances
  • EGP 82.3 billion Financial leasing contracts
  • EGP 67.8 billion funding provided for MSMEs
  • EGP 41.9 billion consumer finance
  • EGP 47.9 billion factoring activity
  • EGP 17.7 billion real estate finance
  • EGP 2.82 trillion is the value of movable assets registered at Egyptian Collaterals Registry by the end of September 2024.
  • MSMEs funding balances reached EGP 71.3 billion
  • Insurance premiums had amassed a total of EGP 69 billion during January – September 2024.
  • Compensations paid by the insurance sector reached EGP 31.5 billion during the same period.
  • Private insurance funds’ Investments reached EGP 20.1 billion by the September 2024.


The latest reports issued by the Financial Regulatory Authority for the first nine months of 2024 regarding the insurance sector showed that the total value of insurance premiums amounted to EGP 69 billion. Property and liability insurance premiums amounted to EGP 38 billion and premiums of life insurance amounted to EGP 30.9 billion by the end of September 2024.

Moreover, compensations value reached EGP 31.5 billion, distributed as follows: compensations of property insurance amounted to EGP 15 billion and compensations of life insurance reached EGP 16.5 billion.


It is worth mentioning that :

  • Property and liability insurance safeguards physical belongings, like houses, cars, businesses, and other valuables, from damage or loss caused by events like fire, theft or natural disasters.

• Personal insurance and wealth formation encompass various types of insurance, including life insurance, death insurance, accident insurance and other forms of coverage.

Last modified: December 3, 2024