- FRA’s training program in Universities has concluded, successfully educating 1462 students in four Egyptian Universities. The program covered a range of disciplines, with a majority of participants from Medical, Dental, Agricultural and Arts Faculties.
- FRA and the Supreme Council of Universities are working together to bring financial education programs to Egyptian Universities, aiming to boost financial literacy among students.
- FRA has finalized the process of qualifying teaching staff as certified trainers. This empowers them to fulfill their role in disseminating financial literacy and awareness among students, equipping them with knowledge of various financing and investment solution
Within the framework of FRA’s initiative to disseminate financial literacy and raise awareness of non-bank financial activities among university students, and in the light of the cooperation protocol between FRA and the Ministry of Higher Education aimed at raising levels of financial literacy and stimulating students to entrepreneurship and familiarize them with non-bank financial activities;
Tanta University took the lead with four awareness seminars for students in Faculties of agriculture, arts, dentistry, and science. These sessions attracted 662 students.
Al-Azhar University’s Faculty of Nursing wasn’t far behind. They held two seminars featuring a speaker from FRA and a representative from Al-Azhar itself. Over 500 students participated in these sessions.
Sadat University’s Faculty of Education joined the financial literacy initiative by hosting the first lectures specifically focused on non-banking financial education and awareness. An accredited instructor from FRA delivered the sessions, which attracted nearly 220 students.
The University of Damanhour’s Faculty of Nursing broke new ground by hosting the first seminar focused on raising literacy and awareness of non-banking financial activities. The seminar, attended by 80 students, covered key topics like enhancing financial literacy, money management skills, and the various non-banking financial options available. These options included capital market activities, insurance (both public and private), and real estate finance, financial leasing, factoring, MSMEs financing and consumer finance.
Dr. Farid emphasized the importance of financial literacy and awareness, particularly regarding non-banking financial activities. He sees this as a key part of FRA’s strategy. By promoting financial inclusion, they aim to empower citizens to access financing and investment tools. This, in turn, can improve their living standards, help them achieve their goals, and foster the creation of new businesses that benefit both individuals and communities.
Dr. Abdelaziz highlights the importance of educating university students about non-banking financial activities. This knowledge provides them with alternative funding options to grow their business ideas and launch entrepreneurial ventures at the beginning of their careers.
Last modified: May 14, 2024