ماجستير الأوراق المالية

Quotes from participants in Financial Markets Master that is being held in Cairo (2021-2022), in collaboration between Financial Services Institute (FSI) affailited to Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA) and Instituto De Estudios Bursatiles(IEB) in Spain

  • The programme will be delivered combining face to face classes at FSI premises in Cairo and at IEB ones, in Madrid, and lessons taught in remote live teaching (video streaming).
  • Face to face lectures will represent at least 80% of total ones. The methodology followed is highly practical, based on rigorous and up-to-date contents.
  • Throughout the master, students are offered examples of how to apply the theoretical concepts seen in class to the day-to-day financial world.
  • All students are required to complete a compulsory final project which they will be presenting in front of a jury panel.
  • The estimated duration is 12 months, including a total of about 500 lectures hours starting from May 2022 to April 2023.
  • Modules 1 to 4 (90h) are split in two chapters: A and B (40h each); each chapter will be delivered in three weeks: the two first to be taught in direct online (streaming) and the third one face to face in Cairo.
  • Modules 5, 6 and 7 will be taught in three weeks each, with same methodology.
  • At the end of the programme, it will be an intensive stay in Madrid, for two weeks where the subjects will be finalized and a practical training on derivatives’ trading will be provided.
  • There are estimated 10 hours per subject in the stay, Teaching will be delivered at IEB premises.
  • Prospective Students and Admission Process.

The master is a fully english-based programme and, as such, all lectures, class discussions, presentations, student-faculty communications, and documentation are in English.

Last modified: ديسمبر 14, 2022

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